We are all aware that the hardness test is fast, convenient, and has a small indentation, which can be used for direct test of finished parts. It is suitable for the production of a large number of finished or semi-finished parts of a piece of a piece, today let us look at the digital display of the application of the hardness of the metal casting.
In the inspection of cast iron is also commonly used in the Luo's hardness tester. With smaller grain size of all parts for the test of the hardness tester, if there is not enough space, can be measured by the digital display. Pearlite malleable cast iron, chilled cast iron and steel castings HRB or HRC scale can be used, if the material is heterogeneous and several readings should be measured by the average value.
Today, digital display hardness tester is widely used in hardness testing of metal castings. On the basis of the shore hardness tester, digital display hardness tester is improved, it also applies to the principle of dynamic hardness testing, using computer technology, to realize the miniaturization, electronic hardness tester. This is very easy to use, and the test results can be easily converted to the value of the hardness of the hardness, it has been widely welcomed by the public.
Xiao Bian: W